Here is a comparison of the international issues of the best known space books by Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt.
Rockets, Jets, Guided Missiles and Space Ships
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
Random House, New York, 1951.
By Space Ship to the Moon
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
Random House, New York, 1952.
Rockets, Jets, Guided Missiles and Space Ships
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
Publicity Products, London.
By Space Ship to the Moon
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
Publicity Products, London.
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
German, 1954.
Weltraumflug Zum Mond
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
German, 1954.
Fusees Interplanetaires
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
Agence Francaise de Presse, 1953
Premiere Croisiere Sur La Lune
By Jack Coggins and Fletcher Pratt
Agence Francaise de Presse, 1953
All Artworks Copyright © Jack Coggins