Jack Coggins - Horse Books
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The LCCN (Library of Concress Control Number) of each book is given where available. Look here for more about LCCN.
Horsemen of the World
By Jack Coggins
Doubleday 1963.
LCCN 63007144
The Horseman's Bible
By Jack Coggins
LCCN 66017421
The Horseman's Bible
By Jack Coggins
Doubleday 1984.
LCCN 83016500
The Horseman's Bible
By Jack Coggins
Doubleday 1984.
LCCN 83016500
La Bibbia Dell'Equitazione
by Jack Coggins
Sperling & Kupfer 1986.
ISBN: 8820005506
All Artworks Copyright © Jack Coggins